
Welcome to the DLHub Command Line Interface (CLI). This CLI simplifies interacting with the DLHub service and the deployed servables.


The CLI is available on PyPI, but first make sure you have Python3.5+

>>> python3 --version

The CLI has been tested on Linux.

Installation using Pip

While pip and pip3 can be used to install the CLI we suggest the following approach for reliable installation when many Python environments are avaialble.:

$ python3 -m pip install dlhub_cli

(to update a previously installed cli to a newer version, use: python3 -m pip install -U dlhub_cli)

Installation using Conda

  1. Install Conda and setup python3.6 following the instructions here:

    $ conda create --name dlhub_py36 python=3.6
    $ source activate dlhub_py36
  2. Install the CLI:

    $ python3 -m pip install dlhub_cli
    (to update a previously installed the cli to a newer version, use: python3 -m pip install -U dlhub_cli)

For Developers

  1. Download the CLI:

    $ git clone https://github.com/DLHub-Argonne/dlhub_cli
  2. Install:

    $ cd dlhub_cli
    $ python3 setup.py install
  3. Use the CLI:

    $ dlhub


DLHub_CLI requires the following:

  • Python 3.5+

For building documentation:

  • nbsphinx
  • sphinx
  • sphinx_rtd_theme